Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Kad offline la dik..."

There's this one petrol station, selling Petronas petrol... one of the large and important petrol station from Petronas in Penang located in Kampung Jawa... complete with ATM and credit card payment machine at the pump...

But, unfortunately... I dont own a credit card, only debit cards... so, I have to pay at the counter... But, everytime I go to the counter, "kad offline la dik..." "kad offline la dik..." "kad offline la dik..."

WTF??? or as Azeem would say, watdepak???? you better throw away your machine la if you want to provide such service... annoying you know...

what's worse, the credit card payment machine at the pump is out of order too... then the machine at the counter is also offline... again, watdepak??? how people suppose to pay when they dont have cash???


Nina Garcia said...

msti petronas yang kat kampung Jawa 2 kn??? die tak pakai V-SAT kot..sbb 2 slalu off line..janagn marah2..

master_red_lion said...

cmne leh tau kat kampung jawa nih??? (pdhal da tertulis... huahauhau...)

Nina Garcia said...

aku org penang..msti la tau..heheh