Sunday, September 6, 2009


Upon 6th September 2009, I realized something weird about me and it ain't good...

At 5am, it's sahur time... I am still asleep and suddenly I had this weird dream with blurry vision. It seems to be like I'm off from my bed, open the door out of my room without any particular reason or objectives. I just do it without any intention of going out and it's all blurry... And yes, I am confident that I am still in my sleep mode and I am confident that I am dreaming at that time.

After a while, I sensed something is wrong... And I opened my eyes and at that particular time, it's pretty much like I was waking up... and to my surprise, I'm already at the dining table with foods in front of me... LOL... I sleepwalk to sahur!!!!!!!! Luckily I still didn't feed myself yet. God knows what would happen if I'm sleepeating... ROFLOL...

And, for whatever reason... this actually proves, I sleepwalk... arghhhhhhhh....


uDean said...

and jgn terkejut klo next post ko akan bertajuk "My weight is increasing, again..." and dlm entry tu ko membebel ckp ko xkuat mkn.. padahal....

hahaha :P

HANI IZWAN said...

hah? hahaha

master_red_lion said...

udean: kirenye ko nk ckp ak sleepeating la... huakakakakaka... bak kate marshall dlm how i met your mother, sleepeating is a seriously delicious medical condition... hahahaha....

wizard320 said...

kalau time menyuap tu baru terjaga, tak ke haru. hahaha!!