Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saenggil Chughahamnida

생일 축하합니다~~~

happy birthday to myself, Master Red Lion~~~ haha...

big thankies to all who have wished me, either by sms, facebook, email, friendster or in any forms...

so, what do i wish for my birthday????

already secured a job... so, hope i could do well and excel... plus, big raise!!! haha~~~

also, moving on with mylife and make it meaningful enough for me to survive in this cruel world which happen to be am already survived in so far...

p to the s: suddenly started to think sumthin.... sumthin like... never mind...


uDean said...

slamat tua..ahaha..

HANI IZWAN said...

happy (belated) 23rd!

may God bless u.

Unknown said...

tak nak masuk "kawen" dalam wish list ko??

master_red_lion said...

sila bace p to the s... wahahahahahaha.....

xberdaye nk pikir lagi... sendiri xtertanggung, cmne nk tanggung ank org?