1. Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan mengapa anda memilih nama itu?
- Uncle Garfield is Thinking, mengapa? it depicts my thoughts on everything... thus the "is Thinking" expression... Uncle Garfield... well, i just like Garfield... the cat... and I dont wanna use MRL my nick... Uncle Garfield sound cuter... hahahaha...
2. Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?
- http://mrlgarfield.blogspot.com/... the combination of my nick name MRL (Master Red Lion) with Garfield...
3. Apakah ‘method’ penulisan dalam blog anda?
- as what i told up there... it's my thoughts on everything... my feel, politics, technology, movies, my life... practically everythings...
4. Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda? Sebabnya?
- So far, nope... I like to write... my blog will listen to my rambling no matter how i feel... sad, happy, excited... he dont complain like most of my friends... hahaha... pdn muka korang...
5. Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada orang yang tag anda ini?
- Simple but nice... tp TOO SIMPLE... tambah r pape yg canggih skit...
6. Senaraikan 1 orang untuk diTAG: (AMENDED)
- noted: it's not me who ammend this...nenekrock ammend it first... so I tag Alene Chan
x sangka ko kenal si amin gonjeng tu..kah3..kalo aku x tag si amin tu,mesti aku x tau ko kenal die..ngahaha...
maunyer xknl da housemate aku... wakakakakaka
hausmate ko..
aku tak kenal..
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