ok, now it's clean... wow... already almost three months since last update... hehe... sorry everyone who waited for my updates (though I think only few who waited... is it??)
it's not like i dont want to update, but i dont have nice interesting stories for the blog... maybe i had, but it has become outdated as i had time to write...
anyway, today... somebody had a creative way to tell someone to update his blog... check it out...
ok2.. suke2.. muka aku ader situ!..
tggal dlm 4 bulan saja lagik utk aku tukar status nih..
huahuahau... kursus pun x amik lagik..
senget kan!
mmg senget... da tau tu, xreti2 lagi nk g amik kursus??
eh awak lamanya x update! patutlahhhhhhhh
p/s: saya suka tablo
ape tablo???
itu aje??
aku ingat ada tawaran nak blanje makan ke hape..
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