It seems to be that recently, Apple iPhone is one of the latest hit gadgets in the world. Everyone wants to own an iPhone. It have become part of the world's latest lifestyle. But it only come exclusively with carrier packaged subscription. Luckily for us Malaysian, we now can have a taste and feel the luxury of iPhone brought by Maxis with their own iPhone package subscription. The big question is, is it worth it????
I don't really want to touch the rate that Maxis brings in for the iPhone subscription, but the RRP (Recommended Retail Price) as stated by Maxis and the price tag used by them to sell the iPhones without the discounts that come with the subscription to their Hotlink prepaid customers. The RRP for iPhone 3G 8GB currently offered by Maxis is RM1990 while iPhone 3GS 16GB is RM2490 and iPhone 3GS 32GB is RM2990.
But, if we check the details given by Apple, the RRP for iPhone 3G 8GB currently is at USD99 which means ~RM350 (given the current rate at the time of writing as in the knowledge of the author is USD1 = RM3.60) and as for the iPhone 3GS 16GB is USD199 or ~RM716.
So, comparing to what Maxis offered us is ~6 times the original price quoted by Apple for iPhone 3G and ~4 times the original price of iPhone 3GS... What happen? What makes the price gone crazy like that? Is it the tax? Is it the import duty?
If it is the import duty, why Nokia could sell their Tube (5800XM) at ~RM1.5k while being USD350, way more expensive compared to iPhone 3GS... Or is it because iPhone is 100% imported and Tube is assembled in Malaysia??? I dont really know about that.
But, as far as the ridiculousnous goes for Maxis' pricetag on iPhone I would say stay away from a phone that is so sophisticated yet can't use MMS service until recently.... Because for me, it is totally not worth it to pay RM2.5k but can't even use a simple basic features like MMS (again, until recently) and until the reason why the price tag difference is too much by Maxis is revealed, I think it might be a good reason not to buy an iPhone.
well iphone's pretty cheap in NZ compared to msia.
buy me one? how much is it in RM?
Uuh, dude. You should conduct more research.
iPhone in US is strictly contract. No unlocked iPhone. The RRP iPhone is unlocked and can be used on all networks. If you pay the unlock fee in US, it is significantly more expensive.
Maxis RRP iPhone is cheaper than NZ, Aus and HK unlocked iPhones. Let's just say people will be exporting instead of importing iPhone this time.
RM1990 is very comparable with N97 or the likes. You have to consider the App Store as well.
If you just want a phone that make calls and SMS and surf abit, you shouldn't get the iPhone. If you listen to podcast, want an iPod and want to get mobile apps as easier than drinking water, iPhone is the perfect phone.
iPhone is the combination of everything the new generation wants. Games, video, music, Internet, mobile apps and ease of use all in a phone.
You don't get iPhone because you heard it's the best phone out there or you want to be cool. You get the iPhone because you understand how it will fit into your life. iPhone is not for most Malaysian. They make calls and SMS only. They don't surf the web and do all those things iPhone does best.
BTW, most people in Malaysia don't use MMS as well, they don't know how to use it.
Look at video calls, most 3G phones has the front camera and no one uses them.
I don't think you use MMS that much either.
Clearly this ain't steve jobs... lol...
iPhone brought by Maxis is strictly contract too. and I'm talking about contract iPhone, not unlocked iPhone. If in US contracted iPhone is as low as USD99, why Maxis sold them pretty much like unlocked phone?
Right now, RRP by Maxis (contracted phone, not unlocked) for iPhone 3G is RM1990. Why is it in US contracted iPhone is only USD99 or RM350? Both are contract phone, yet Maxis is selling us nearly 6 times the original price.
And yes, people in Malaysia doesn't use 3G very much for video call thus the front camera is rendered almost useless. But FYI, Malaysian do MMS... maybe not a lot but they're one of essential features for us. I used MMS too once in a while.
While u're saying RM1990 is comparable to N97, isn't it 3GS is the N97 better rival?
That's not the main issue here. The main issue here is the big difference (it's 6 times you know!!!! unlock fees wouldn't be enough to cover that) of the price in contracted phone.
p to the s: it seems to be like you get it wrong with RRP here. RRP doesn't means unlocked or something like that, RRP is Recommended Retail Price or in other words, the price they sell it. This clearly shows that you're not Steve Jobs of Apple.
*wink* ni mesti dh keje nih... akak ko pesan..kalo dh keje baru beli kan.. hhuhuhuuu
keje tanam anggur kat umah... hari2 leh mkn anggur... besssss...
haha...steve job konon...bla la lu..
iphone tue henset paling bodo penah aku tgk..
dah la xdak gps, bluetooth pon xdak...kamera pon suck...hahahabaik bli henset nokia 5800 pon ok..bluetooth pon ada..gps pon internet pon edition plak tue..stakat nk searh location pakai google map, henset murah pon bleh.x payah bli iphone pon..
ps:xdak faedah bli iphone..aku bagi 1 stengah bintang kt iphone (tue pon pasal warna dia hitam itu legam..hauhauhau)
ps lagik: saya suka henset nokia n86 8mp baru..i lap it...huahauhau
kucai... jgn la wak malu aku sini... iphone 3g ade gps la...
iphone yg $99 maybe ada kekurangan yg kucai cakap tu. tp seyes r cakap, harga yg maxis offer tu not cheap enough.utk 16gb, rm 1100 pun blh dapat..
cuma nak cakap(mrl jgn marah ye),beli la nokia 5800. bru nampak bergaya..=p. yg penting lg canggih dr iphone
the official spec yg Apple release tuk harga USD99 is the exact same thing yg Maxis offer RM1990 currently. I've triple check it... cume Maxis ade tmbh few more application exclusive yg xdisertakan dlm original application bundle. iPhone 3G mmg ade GPS. cuma xsure if they can use other GPS application cam Garmin Mobile or not sbb Apple mmg ada application Maps tuk iPhone sendiri menggunakan A-GPS. Tuk iPod Touch, xde GPS module so application Maps tu same ngan Google Maps je function die...
and 5800XM mmg lg canggih, except for the touch screen technology. iPhone's capacitive touch screen sgt sgt memikat hati... hahahaha... 5800XM gune resistive, kurang sensitive skit...
adam..yg aku tau dulu pnya iphone xder gps...yg baru baru ader..btoi kan...
malu ler i...
betol betol... 1st generation iPhone mmg xde GPS, 3G pon xde, MMS lagi la...... datang iPhone 3G, da ade GPS...
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