I dont really know, how come one person block another person's walkway without any guilty feelings... I know, it's hard to find a parking spot around here... but please, what if somehow I need to get out fast for some sort of emergency... and there you go, your car is behind mine/right in front of my gate...
The one in this pic, this one is still ok since I can go out without problem... only if I want to go out driving, i will have problems... but last nite, I got an Estima park right in front of my gate to the level that it's hard for me to go out myself.... yeah, i know you are so kind hearted, visiting a relative/friend who had lost someone... but please, dont f**king block my way you bloody idiot!!!! you're lucky enough coz i m not really in the mood of ruining a car... if not, your bloody estima is done for...
really, next time i saw stuff like this, I would consider to scratch right from the front straight to the back, with my key... I wouldn't mind if it's just for a while like half an hour, but if from 9pm up untill 12am... you'll get what you deserve.... you got to get got...
just go and do some grafitti on the car.
"u got punked"
suda kasi calar ka..?
oo...sori my frenz..thats my estima..i forgotted to bring back that car..
so sorry garlfield...hauhauhauhau
haha... langgar je~
beli ckelat hacks... ko makan ckelat tu... pastu dah rasa agak2 dah sebati ngan air liur.. ko tepek kat atas cermin kete tu... nescaya cermin kete tu akan retak.. tapi skill ini hanya boleh dipraktikkan ketika waktu panas terik sahaja.. hohohoh jahatnya aku
hoho..ingatkan pakcek gapil neh penyabar mcm gapil, namun meleset upanya..hahaha...
ape kate ko park dpn umah dia plak.. same2 sakit hati..huwahuwahuwa..
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