You all must be wondering, what is so significant with the shoes... here is the story...
after get into the office, watching few episodes of My Name Is Earl (yeah, my computer is not there yet, nothing to do...) I went out to have some lunch and jumaat with some friends... we went to the mosque, i keep my shoes just beside a vase... quite hidden from normal human being's eyes... however... because in this very big big world as said by Emilia, there are humans that are abnormal... people go to the mosque to do good things, pray, recites, but these stupid f*cking abnormal people go to mosque to steal... somehow, he marked my shoes and after the jumaat my shoes is gone...
it's not a mere mistakes... apparently, the very same spot as my shoes were kept, there are other 2 people who lost them... it was taken by purpose, or stolen...
leave that shoes behind as i will never find them back anymore.... but how do I get into the office bare feeted??? that's is ridiculous... haha... we went to Sunshine and buy a pair of new shoe... what to do... it's emergency anyway... but save that for later shopping... The pic above, is the one that i bought yesterday... haha...
anyway, kepada yang mencuri kasut 3 org jejaka hensem pada hari jumaat 26hb December 2008 di masjid (ape ntah name masjid tu, lokasi pn aku da lupa... Bayan Baru kot...) ak tau ko konfem jual punye kasut tu.... ak xhalal duit ko jual kasut tuh... hidup ko xberkat... kalo ko xjual dan pakai kasut tu, buruk la kaki ko... hahahahaha... XD
brape kali ayah dah pesan jangan letak kasut tu merate degil~
muahaha adam yg kejam..syg beno agaknye kat kasut ko tu ek..mencuri di masjid..ishishish..bengong tol manusia tuh
bkn merate la dey... belasah kang... sorok sebelah2 kat tmpt lain2 lagi nmpk ltk merate2... hahaha XD
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